the windmill
Dereham Windmill is the last of several windmills in the Dereham District. It was built in 1835 and is a five-storey brick tower mill with a boat shaped cap winded by a six bladed fantail. Rescued from dereliction in the 1980s, the mill was recently restored as an exhibition centre. It is located in Cherry Lane (near Neatherd High School) and car access is via Greenfields Road.
The windmill is set in extensive dog-friendly grounds that are connected to a number of rural walks in and around the Dereham area. The Partea Hut tearoom is open Wednesday to Saturday. Dogs are not allowed in the tearoom. Full disabled facilities are available within the tearoom and grounds, including a specially adapted picnic bench.
There are five floors connected by steps that are steep but have good handrails. The ground floor is fully accessible and is where videos telling the story of the windmill and how flour is milled may be viewed. Our Windmill Guides may also escort visitors on a guided tour of the whole building. On the first floor you can meet the ghost of Miller Fendick who might tell you about his life as a miller. Also, on every floor, there are illustrated explanations of what happened in each area when the mill was full of noise and flour dust.
We organise exhibitions each month in the windmill by local schools, artists, and other organisations. Do come and browse what is on show this month in this unique location.
The Windmill
Community Hall/Tearoom
The Windmill Community Hall/ Tearoom is available to hire for meetings and small parties during the periods when Partea Hut is not open
For events where catering is required, please contact Partea Hut direct on 07936 871 393 or 07799 540838 (self catering is not permitted)
For meetings etc, the cost is £25 for the first 2 hours and £10 for each additional hour.
Please contact Philippa on 07527 560772

Get involved

We are always looking for supporters to help in the daily running of the Dereham Windmill.
If you would like to help, please click here for further information